第二位我認識的Taiwanese Americans英文老師,她有完美高標準的自我苛求,讓我來稱呼她為Ms. Alpha Female吧,曾教我一年的英文課,在她的眼裡我是懶惰不上進的壞學生,一點都不值得聯絡和問候,大概不過一、兩年也會忘記我容貌、姓名及相關背景。

提到Ms. Alpha Female,自小父母就是高學歷中產階級,小留學生的成長背景,提及少數族群的學校霸凌是感同身受,所幸她從小就擅長跆拳道,專門和那些挑釁的白人野孩子打架,環境逼出以牙還牙的攻擊性性格,很是讓人印象深刻。

Ms. Alpha Female給我的印象是近似慾望城市的女主角「米蘭達」和「魔鬼女大兵」!

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Ms. Alpha Female上課表現認真卻略帶點緊張,一口氣灌輸學生大量的專業知識,不停逼迫學生認真學習英文,只因為競爭激烈的國際社會裡,不會說英文簡直就是淪為待業遊民的預備軍,寧可學生厭惡她要死,也不願意看到學生現在學不好英文,畢業後被殘酷的職場整治的很慘很難過。

有些學生簡直是犯賤性格作怪,平時不認真學習,屢屢被當,給Ms. Alpha Female的印象超級差,Ms. Alpha Female絕對不會記住你,卻會討厭你,還Ms. Alpha Female極高的教學評價,噢Ms. Alpha Female更加在乎學生對她的課堂教學評鑑分數,也會抱怨時下學生的學習風氣有多差勁,常常犯起好為人師的職業病,劈頭就是給周遭的人難看的排頭吃,時常抓起週遭看不慣的人事物來教訓一番......

Ms. Alpha Female相處共事,心臟要比她還強韌,你最好有本事比她還優秀,找得出你可以據理力爭的正當性理由。


Ms. Alpha Female身上學習到以下六點,或許你週遭認識的ABC、ABT,新加坡、馬來西亞、英國的亞裔也是奉努力至上為人生奮鬥指標,人人信奉的努力準則,共通點都是放眼望去都一樣!




Ms. Alpha Female的天生資質和凡人一樣,並非天才,最厲害、最認真的亞裔美國移民都是考取醫師、律師、會計師的專業,

Ms. Alpha Female主修英語文學,成就在亞裔移民來說僅屬普通,其信念是努力到底,堅持走向成功,「我要做鑽石」的信念,促使Ms. Alpha Female不會甘於現狀,努力申請進修碩士、博士的機會,並同時兼顧著穩定工作和穩健務實的財務狀況。



Ms. Alpha Female僅是凡人,自知唯有付出比別人更多的努力才能勤能補拙。





工作上、生活上常常碰到語帶挑釁、嗆聲的誇張情況,咒罵、挖苦諷刺、威逼利誘這點對Ms. Alpha Female完全無效,因為Ms. Alpha Female會讓你知道誰才是老大,對於競爭的場面,Ms. Alpha Female習慣永遠要處在上風,拿下第一!



Ms. Alpha Female的自尊極高,不容許他人羞辱,如果Ms. Alpha Female的立場和立論是正確的,會捍衛自己的立場到勝利為止!Ms. Alpha Female也不甘於現狀,會努力拿下多個博士學位,步出大學校園之後到三十歲之間,則是Ms. Alpha Female進修多個博士學位的大好學習時光,終身學習的高成就取向是人生奮力搏鬥的終極目標!


Ms. Alpha Female不像安隆案那些知識份子、高階管理人才之代表性性格「Alpha male」,Alpha male天生有發洩不完的精力,高度競爭的成功慾望永遠是人生的最高目標,需要靠著大量酗酒、死亡一瞬間的極限運動、瞌藥、花錢嫖高級娼妓,來充實自己的人生;亞裔Alpha Female懂得自己要什麼樣的Mr.right,有宗教信仰,有潔癖,不當小三,也不喜歡挑鰥夫,更不會認為上酒吧釣男人就可以練習英文能力,也會評斷出會說英文的外國人都是什麼樣的貨色。



要做個永不休息的鬥士,很累,鬥士也是有耍賴的時刻,找出一堆藉口來讓自己的缺點「合理化」,往往是「天才也有辦不到的缺點」、「再怎麼努力,也有辦不到的事」之類的藉口,來讓自己的好勝心舒坦一點兒,點播Christina Aguilera - Fighter」向永不服輸的鬥士致上最高的敬意。


我的立場還是支持台灣的英語補習班聘任國外留學的英語師資,英語補習班如果聘任阿沙不嚕國來的洋人,學歷又比台灣大學生還爛的,也呼籲家長不要給這種補習班外師教到,眼睛要睜亮,Goog luck!




Here are the Top 10.5 Alpha Female Characteristics …so that you can know what you’re dealing with when you come in contact with her.

1) Independence
The Alpha Female is fiercely independent and can take care of herself. She will not beg you for a diamond in order to impress her friends and family. She does not want to be tied down to anyone… unless it’s her HERO who has the courage to man up in the relationship and take the lead. She has no time for someone that she needs to mother.

2) Uniqueness
The Alpha Female has her own style… she is uniquely herself and is guided by her own rhythm. She follows the voice of her feelings – though she doesn’t neglect her sense of reason. She may even outright reject one or more social conventions – marriage, religion, government… nothing means more to her than HER ideas… she’s the top of the food chain in her world.

3) Strength
While she happily takes a more submissive role when dealing with a true MAN, she can hold her own in the boardroom or on the street. She commands the respect of other people and is selective about who she invites into her life. She has a pleasing personality. She is warm and friendly, but also strong when necessary.

4) Magnetism
She is dynamic, has presence and doesn’t blend in with the crowd. She’s charismatic and can work a room. You feel like she’s drawing you and everyone else into her web.

5) Self-Expression: Physical and Verbal
The Alpha Female is articulate and speaks with her mouth as well as with her eyes. She knows what she wants/feels/needs and she easily expresses those things. She lets you know how much she adores you or despises you… and sometimes, if she chooses… you can’t read her at all.

6) Assertiveness
This woman won’t be pushed around. She stands up for herself – quickly and succinctly putting people in their place if they try to disrespect her. The good news is that unlike other women, she’s easy-going and doesn’t throw tantrums, whine, bitch or nag. Her sense of reason doesn’t allow her to act like a child.

7) Confidence
Ms. Alpha Female is comfortable with herself. She loves her body and her brain and she works them out regularly. She knows her own value and sees that she’s beautiful from the inside out. She won’t settle for less than the absolute BEST in everything from men to career contracts.

8) Playfulness
This woman knows how to have FUN… especially with men. She is walking entertainment. She has a sense of humor and smiles and laughs at anything (including herself when appropriate). She sees the positive side of life and enjoys playing in it. She is the perfect complement to the sexy Alpha Male. And although she has no desire to be “caught”, her fun attitude that puts you at ease definitely makes her a “catch”.

9) Je Ne Sais Quoi – Something Interesting
Mademoiselle Alpha Femme gives good conversation. She has many layers to her essence and more to talk about than Desperate Housewives or what “some girl said to me.” She has opinions, interests and passions which make her whole face light up when she speaks of them. You could talk to her all night without a dull moment.

10) Ambition
The Ambitious Alpha Chick is actively pursuing a dream or goal and is unconcerned with you making enough money to “provide for her”… she’s building her own empire.

10.5.) Sex Appeal
All of the above alpha female characteristics make her sexy, but she has even more. She wears the things that make her look like a pretty woman. She moves her body in ways that make you think of sex. She flirts with you (in her own signature way). She’s your girly childhood buddy that you go on adventures with who often morphs into the vixen who gives you adventures in the bedroom. Her femininity makes you feel like a man. When you’re around her, you feel craziness rise in your body.




Alpha Male Characteristics


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