

貴機構有足夠口罩及防疫用品提供給兒童、院友及員工日常需要?為了為香港機購出一分力,分擔防疫負擔,望以高質素機構成本價口罩回饋社區。我是Healthbuyno客戶主任 IreneHealthbuynow 主要為 Do you have enough face masks and epidemic prevention supplies for children, residents and staff? In order to contribute to the purchase of Hong Kong aircraft and share the burden of epidemic prevention, we hope to give back to the community with high-quality corporate cost masks. I'm Irene, head of accounts at Healthbuynow. Healthbuynow focuses on香港幼兒及機構界 Hong Kong's child care and institutional sector提供高質素並成本價的優質口罩及防疫用品批發及零售,望幫到業界,渡過疫情! To provide high-quality and cost-effective quality masks and epidemic prevention supplies wholesale and retail, hope to help the industry, through the epidemic!

以高質及成本價口罩及防疫用品回攜香港教育機構。高質素口罩訂$90/ / 100盒以上訂購$70/

Hope to bring high-quality and cost-effective masks and epidemic prevention supplies back to educational institutions in Hong Kong. High Quality Masks ordered at $90 / box / 100 boxes and above $70 / box



The company has successfully provided more than 5 million masks to 350 Hong Kong enterprises and organizations, especially the preferential masks for schools and educational institutions. More than 180 schools have participated in the scheme. They have also collaborated with major enterprise groups to provide them with adult and child masks!



Would you like to take a free Sample to see the quality?



The quality of our masks?

 BFE 99% / PFE 95%  有效過濾細菌

BFE 99% PFE 95%


Brand Hong Kong / domestic proprietary product lines and factories


Packaging and production of aseptic space-handling masks


Tailor-made masks for Hong Kong education sector



Types of face masks

 成人三層【定制機構】高質素及價格相宜口罩 70/ ( 100盒批發價 

High-quality and affordable face masks in adult three layers ($70 / PACK (100 Pack Wholesale Price)

 KN95 五層口罩【適合高防護試用】

Kn95 five-layer respirator

 粉系三層外科口罩Bling 粉系列,可選紫色 白色 綠色 粉紅色 黃色 / 適合女仕】

Powder three-layer surgical mask [ Bling powder series, optional: Purple, White, Green, pink, yellow / suitable for women ]


Pediatric face masks


Pediatric face masks in Middle Age


GERMAGIC 香港專為慈善團體塗層消毒【政府資助,可協助辦理】:

Germagic Hong Kong is specially designed to coat and disinfect charities [ government subsidy available for assistance ] :

 能有效殺滅新型冠狀病毒 (SARS-CoV-2) * 及超過100種病毒,細菌

Effective in killing new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) * and more than 100 viruses, bacteria


Government funding, Healthbuynow helps you apply for grants


 15/7/2020 Whatsapp  到:+852 9484 2018

Something 15 / 7 / 2020 something Whatsapp: + 85294842018


Please click the order form for details:



Website Information: https://www.healthbuynow.com


Contact Email: service@healthbuynow. COM






Irene Chan

Sales Executive 

Website: www.healthbuynow.com

Contact :  +852 2809 2832

Whatsapp: +852 9484 2018

Email: service@healthbuynow.com

Address: 香港九龍黃大仙新蒲崗六合街8號六合工業大廈23

Office Hour: 10:00am - 7:00pm


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